
The Miraculous Catch of Fish (John 21:1-8)

Title: The Miraculous Catch of Fish (John 21:1-8)

Original Canvas Size: 36 inches by 48 inches

Medium: Oil on Canvas

Frame: Bronze Finish

Price: $88,000.00 USD

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Original price was: $15.00.Current price is: $2.99.

The miraculous catch of fish, with Jesus standing on the left, is the fourth resurrection appearance in John?s Gospel.

The Miraculous Catch of Fish is a story found in the Gospel of John, specifically in chapter 21, verses 1 to 8. It takes place after the resurrection of Jesus Christ, and it involves a miraculous event that occurs while some of the disciples are fishing.

According to the narrative, after Jesus’ resurrection, the disciples returned to their previous occupation of fishing. The story begins with seven of the disciples, including Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, and John, deciding to go fishing in the Sea of Galilee. They spent the entire night fishing but caught nothing.

In the morning, as day broke, Jesus appeared on the shore, although the disciples did not immediately recognize him. He called out to them, asking if they had caught any fish. They replied that they had caught nothing. Jesus then instructed them to cast their net on the right side of the boat, and they would find some fish.

The disciples followed Jesus’ instructions, and as soon as they did, they were unable to haul in the net because it was overflowing with a large number of fish. At this point, John, the disciple whom Jesus loved, recognized that it was Jesus standing on the shore and said to Peter, “It is the Lord!”

Peter, filled with excitement and reverence for Jesus, immediately jumped into the water and swam to shore, while the other disciples stayed in the boat and brought the net full of fish with them. When they reached the shore, they saw that Jesus had prepared a fire with fish and bread.

Jesus invited the disciples to bring some of the fish they had just caught and instructed them to have breakfast together. None of the disciples dared to ask Jesus who he was because they knew it was the Lord. They recognized that the miraculous catch of fish was a sign of Jesus’ presence and power.

In this story, the Miraculous Catch of Fish serves as a significant event that solidifies the disciples’ belief in Jesus’ resurrection. It demonstrates Jesus’ ability to provide and bless their efforts, even when they had experienced failure on their own. The story also emphasizes the recognition and response of the disciples to Jesus’ presence, particularly in the case of Peter, who eagerly jumped into the water to reach Jesus.

The Miraculous Catch of Fish holds symbolic significance as well. It echoes a similar event recorded in Luke 5:1-11, where Jesus calls Peter, James, and John to become fishers of men. In that earlier event, they also experienced a miraculous catch of fish, and Jesus used it as an invitation for them to follow Him and become His disciples. The repetition of this miracle in John 21 reaffirms their calling and strengthens their commitment to Jesus’ mission.

Overall, the story of the Miraculous Catch of Fish showcases Jesus’ divine presence, provision, and the disciples’ faith in Him as they recognize His power and respond in obedience.

It is the purpose of this series is to have the observer experience and find hope and meaning in the profound and captivating depiction of the Passion, Burial and Resurrection of Christ. This collection honors the life of Jesus Christ and is a testament to His faith, His sacrifice, and the enduring power of His love. Don’t miss the opportunity to bring one of these paintings into your home or church as an original work of art or as a print and be moved by its timeless message.

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